Mental Wellness

What is Mental Health?

Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It encompasses a broad spectrum of factors that influence how individuals think, feel, and act in various situations. A person with good mental health is generally able to cope with the stresses of life, maintain fulfilling relationships, work productively, and make sound decisions. Mental health involves the balance and interaction between emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of a person’s life, contributing to their overall quality of life and functioning.

What Influences Mental Health?

Mental health can be influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, life experiences, trauma, social support, and environmental conditions. It is important to recognize that mental health exists on a continuum, ranging from optimal well-being to various degrees of distress or mental disorders. Taking care of one’s mental health involves self-awareness, seeking appropriate support when needed, practicing coping strategies, and adopting a healthy lifestyle that supports emotional and psychological well-being.

What is Mental Wellness?

Mental wellness refers to a state of well-being in which an individual is able to effectively cope with the challenges and stresses of life, maintain a positive outlook, and function at their best potential. It goes beyond the absence of mental illness and encompasses a broader sense of thriving and flourishing in one’s emotional, psychological, and social dimensions.

What are the aspects of mental wellness?

  1. Emotional Resilience: Being able to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changes with a positive attitude.

  2. Positive Self-esteem: Having a healthy self-concept and a sense of self-worth.

  3. Emotional Awareness: Being in touch with and understanding one’s emotions, as well as being able to express them in a constructive manner.

  4. Effective Coping Strategies: Having a range of healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress and challenges.

  5. Healthy Relationships: Forming and maintaining supportive and fulfilling connections with others.

  6. Life Satisfaction: Feeling content and fulfilled with one’s life and its various aspects.

  7. Purpose and Meaning: Engaging in activities and pursuits that give life a sense of purpose and meaning.

  8. Balanced Lifestyle: Adopting habits that promote physical health, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

  9. Respect for Others: Treating others with empathy, kindness, and understanding.

  10. Self-care: Prioritizing activities and practices that promote self-nurturing and self-renewal.

Bethel Network advocates for mental health by partnering with different institutions to ensure their staff and school going children get the help they require to combat mental health issues.


Bethel Network through its in house clinical psychologist and mental health team, organizes workshops and seminars in institutions to deal with mental health issues.