Shift Program

Shift is a comprehensive behavioral transformation program for students and out-of-school youth utilizing mentoring, training, and peer support to promote positive development. The program aims at improving the lives and livelihoods of the children and youth.

The overarching goal of the shift Program is to facilitate positive mindset, attitude, and behavioral changes in these youth by building critical life skills targeting, primary school students aged 8-12 years Secondary school students, Out-of-school youth between 15-24 years, University Students aged 18-24 years.  These include shift in mindsets towards growth, possibility and responsibility, self-awareness, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence, social skills, assertiveness, discipline, and constructive behaviors among others.  The result of this will be reduced risky behavior, informed career choices, established peer support networks, high retention in school, reduced teenage pregnancies and improved school performance.  Bethel Network is committed to developing new products and services as the needs of the target population will demand.