Every year the world holds the Menstruation Hygiene Management day on the 28th of May.
The aim of marking this day a focus on menstruation is to;
- Break the taboos and end the stigma surrounding menstruation.
- Raise awareness about the challenges regarding access to menstrual products, education about menstruation and period-friendly sanitation facilities.
The theme for the 2023 MHM day was: Making menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030. To mark this important day, Bethel Network in partnership Better4Kenya, One For One Foundation, Pathways Policy Institute, Laikipia County Development Authority, Laikipia Health Service, Department of Education, sports, youth, social services & gender, Martin Catholic Social Apostolate, Nyahururu, Nimmohs Homestays, SHE Leads, CedarMall, JPImagine Studios Downtown, The Leo Project & Leo Local, Malkia Initiative, Jays Excite and Flow Girl , with the approval of the Ministry of Education, held an event in Nanyuki where issues surrounding menstrual hygiene were discussed.
To mark the event, Bethel Network also donated 200 sachets of pads.