MHM Day Friday 28TH May 2021

Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) is a global advocacy platform that brings together the voices and actions of non-profits, government agencies, individuals, the private sector and the media to promote good menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) for all women and girls. More specifically, MH Day:

  • Breaks the silence, raises awareness and changes negative social norms around MHH, an
  • Engages decision-makers to increase the political priority and catalyze action for MHH, at global, national and local levels.

(According to Menstrual Hygiene

Like every other year, this year the MHM day was held on the 28th May 2021 which fell on a Friday focusing on the global theme of Action and Investment in menstrual Hygiene & Health.

Bethel Network hosted this year’s event at the Ngunyumu Primary School, which is a beneficiary of the Schools Program; Always Keeping Girls in School program. Present were the class 6&7 boys and girls. It was a 2 hour event covered between 12pm- 2pm.

The event was sponsored by Procter and Gamble (P&G), who provided the Always sanitary towels for the day, and was coordinated by the Ministry of Education (MoE), the MoE wanted this years’ event to be marked by holding debates focusing on Menstrual Hygiene Management amongst the students themselves following thematic areas it had proposed.

Amongst the five topics proposed by the MoE for debate, Ngunyumu chose the topic:” Poor menstrual hygiene is a problem as big as polio”, where there were proponents and opponents each supporting their view.

The students were taken through Cognitive Development stages in Adolescents by a psychologist Madam Judy Kibuga. Thereafter issued with sanitary towels.

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