MHM DAY Friday 28TH MAY 2022

 Every year the world holds the Menstruation Hygiene Management day on the 28th of May.The aim of making this day a focus on menstruation is to;

  • Break the taboos and end the stigma surrounding menstruation.
  • Raise awareness about the challenges regarding access to menstrual products, education about menstruation and period-friendly sanitation facilities.

The theme of the year 2022 MHM day is: Making menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030. To mark this important day, Bethel Network in partnership with Novartis East Africa, Procter & Gamble and with the approval of the Ministry of Education, held a workshop for Nurses and Matrons from various high schools in Nairobi as well as nurses from various hospitals around the country.

The nurses and matrons are tasked with taking care of the girls while in school for the better part of the year and are therefore in close contact. We therefore thought it would be of great help to arm them with knowledge and skills on how to handle girls who experience painful menstruation.

Bethel Network invited facilitators who have expertise in various fields and the attendees were taken through topics that included:

  1. Period Pain Management by Dr. Martin Muhoro
  2. Life skills and living value concept by James Kabucho
  3. Life Design by Mark Kiiro
  4. Cognitive, Social and Emotional Development in Adolescents by Judy Kibuga
  5. Crisis Management Skills by Mercy Kimani
  6. Flip Chart Presentation by Gladys Makena

It was an interactive forum and very educational with certificate rewards.