Bethel Network Celebrates World Water Day 2024: Promoting “Water for Peace” at The Imaara Mall

At Bethel Network, we believe in the transformative power of water to foster peace, well-being, and prosperity for all. That’s why we were thrilled to join hands with our partners Happy Tap, Imaara Mall, and Willo to celebrate World Water Day 2024 at The Imaara Mall. This special event provided us with an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of water and promote this year’s theme of “water for peace.”

Throughout the day, Bethel Network and its partners engaged visitors at The Imaara Mall in a series of interactive activities and educational initiatives aimed at highlighting the significance of water conservation, hygiene, and access. At the heart of our activation was our innovative handwashing station, proudly displayed to demonstrate the importance of proper hand hygiene in maintaining health and preventing the spread of diseases.

In addition to promoting handwashing, we also incorporated fun and engaging activities for children at a dedicated stand. From interactive games to water-related crafts and activities, children had the opportunity to learn about the importance of water in a playful and interactive way, sparking their curiosity and instilling lifelong habits of water conservation and hygiene.

Throughout the event, we emphasized the critical role that water plays in promoting peace and stability, both at the local and global levels. By ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities, we can prevent conflicts over scarce resources, promote health and well-being, and create opportunities for economic growth and social development.

As we celebrated World Water Day 2024, we were reminded of the urgent need to work together to safeguard this precious resource for future generations. Through collective action and partnership, we can address the challenges of water scarcity, pollution, and inequitable access, and build a more sustainable and peaceful world for all.

We extend our sincere gratitude to The Imaara Mall for hosting us and to all who participated in our World Water Day activation. Your support and enthusiasm are invaluable as we continue our mission to promote water conservation, hygiene, and access for all.

Together, let’s harness the power of water to create a brighter, more peaceful future for communities around the world.


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